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 STUNNING Horses Tails
Super Fast...

"How to GROW
Long, Thick
Manes and Tails
ANY Horse

It's True, I Promise, 
Even Guarantee It!


article on growing long mane and tail on horses

Pro Horseman - March 2009

Rave Reviews in the Media!

Featured in:
, Horse Illustrated, Young Rider,
Horseman's News, Pacific Coast Journal, Natural Horse,
Ride Magazine, Stablemates Magazine,
Go Gaited, The Horse TV Channel, and seen on:

The horse on the cover above is my World Champion Tennessee Walking Horse.  He gets a lot of attention everywhere he goes and so do all my other horses.  They all have the same long, thick mane and tail that is such an attention grabber.  It takes almost no time at all and very little effort to turn an average horse into a jaw dropping beauty that turns heads everywhere they go.


Taking a Bow -World Champion Win
Taking a Bow After Winning the
World Championship

If you think it's not possible to transform your horse this FAST, then keep reading...  I promise that you'll be amazed at how quick, easy (and cheap!) it is for you to grow 3" to 4" of thick, luxurious length every month once you know the secret.  You will have the most stunningly beautiful horse everywhere you go!  Everyone will fall in love with your horse; they'll be jealous of you and they'll be begging for your secret!

From: Beth Moore
Exactly How to Grow Long, Thick Manes and Tails on ANY Horse Super Fast

Dear Fellow Horse Lover,

Author of How to Grow long mane and tail twh

You're probably just like me... For years I struggled with my horses' manes and tails trying to get them longer and thicker and prettier.  My parents couldn't afford expensive horses when I was young, so I tried to make what I had look better.  


I Was Envious of Other Horse Owners...


The problem was that everything I read, was told and all the advice I got from well meaning friends was completely wrong!  So the result was that I never got anywhere.  The hair always stayed the same- wispy, short and thin.  My frustration continued to grow, as my horse's mane and tail did not!


Years later, I got a job with an old horse trainer who had been showing Tennessee Walking Horses all his life.  I worked for him a long time before he let me in on The Secret Formula he used to get the beautiful manes and tails that adorned the horses in his barn. 

I Was Doing Everything WRONG...
and I Bet You're Doing It WRONG too!


I FOUND It!...The One Key SECRET!


Having been a hair stylist all of MY life, I knew some things about hair myself.  I took the SECRET that I learned from the trainer, and added a few tricks of my own.  Over the years I've perfected my methods for getting the most luxurious manes and tails as quickly as possible. 

"The Super Fast Hair Growing Recipe Really Works!..."


"We bought our horse, Ebony, and her tail was very matted!  LIKE A BASEBALL BAT!  It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get the tail combed out, but it was worth it!  The super fast hair growing recipe really works!!  I was a little skeptical at first.  Now I am glad I spent the money.  Here are the pictures of her tail when it was matted, when it was finally combed out, and after the formula! (Thick and LONG!)  Every one was shocked to see how fast it grew!  Thanks sooo much Beth!" 

Allison Lutjen   Pettis, Missouri   United States

At every horse show that I go to, and every trail ride I go on, I get asked how I get my horses' manes and tails so long and thick and beautiful.  Without fail, the people I talk to are making the same tragic mistakes that I was making before I found the Secret.  I'm sure you're doing the same thing I was, but... 


It's Finally REVEALED...
Now You Too Can Have The Secret!


What Took Me Years and Years to Discover... You Can Get Your Hands On Today...In the Next 5 Minutes!


Introducing My New Online Course...


"Own a Fairy Tail Horse!" 


-Start Now, and in a Couple of Months You Could Add Up to Two Feet of Thick, Luxurious Length to ANY Mane and Tail- Guaranteed or DOUBLE Your Money Back!! 

Gets You and Your Horse Noticed and Admired!!

"We Are Seeing Very Positive Results..."

Hi Beth,
     This is one of my husband James' favorite photos of his boy, Jackpot.  We have added your suggestions to our grooming protocol and are seeing very positive results.  We are a bit of hair experts ourselves as we have Arabians, Gypsies and Drums, but you have given us some new tools and we see new growth coming faster and thicker than before.

Thank you
Nancy Brown-  Custom Chrome Sport Horses, Armstrong, British Columbia   Canada


Start Transforming Your Horse Now!

"The Success Has Been Incredible!!!..."



"Hi there Beth!!!,
     My name is Lisa and I just wanted to share with you the progress that I have had with my Australian Riding Pony, "Charm" .  When I brought her home she had a bad itch that horses seem to pick up here in Queensland, Australia.  I started on her the minute I purchased your course and the success has been incredible!!!
     I have attached a couple of photos of her.  This is the difference between July 6th and August 20th.  I am just too excited not to share it with you.  Her tail is on the ground in length and the top of her tail where she had rubbed it out has grown in leaps and bounds. 
     Will keep in touch.

Lisa Schilling-  Woodford  Queensland, Australia


I am asked so often how I turn scruffy, scraggly horses into regal, stunning beauties seemingly overnight, that I finally decided to write down exactly what I do in step by step detail.  

It's available to you right now in an instant access online course filled with easy to follow step by step instructions, PLUS tons of full color pictures, and easy links to referenced items so you know exactly what I am talking about.  I take all the guess work out of it!  

"My 3 Year Old Paso Fino, Pegasus..."

"Here are some photos of my Paso Fino, Pegasus.  She is now 3.  The tail is nearly to the ground and the mane is extremely long and beautiful.  Thanks to your secrets! 

Best Regards,
Anne Schneidervin

Vernal, Utah  United States


Your Days of Frustration and Embarrassment Over
Ugly Scraggly Manes and Tails Are Gone Forever! 


I feel the pain of people who have tried all the worthless remedies and potions and got all that same bad advice I got because I've been there. 

At the Risk of Sounding Like a Sore Loser, I Have to Tell You What I Experienced Repeatedly Myself... 


I had horses I was showing that I KNEW were better than some of the prettier, flashier horses that got placed over me in shows.  I knew it was because my "Plain Jane" horse wasn't getting the judge's attention or even a second look. 


It Isn't Fair, But It's Human Nature... 


Our eye is naturally drawn to what is pleasing to the eye...so we give it more of our attention.  Once I learned The Secret to having the prettiest horse in the show ring, the tables were turned. 

Now, Sometimes I Think My Horses are Awarded Ribbons Over Horses That are Better Than Them...


What Can I Say?  Well, I hope it will level the playing field some when everyone can have the opportunity to make their horse look stunningly beautiful.  I know the frustration and sometimes even embarrassment of the scraggly horse, so I had to help by getting the Secret out.   


"This is Tango Two Weeks Later..."

Paso Fino Horse

"This is my Paso Fino horse "Tango". He had a rubbed out mane when I bought him, I am starting today on using your methods on his mane." 

September 1, 2010


Paso Fino Growing Mane

"This is Tango's mane after 2 weeks of following your instructions."

September 18, 2010

Paso Fino Mane Growth

This is Tango 4 1/2 weeks later in his 2nd horse show in a costume class.  His mane and tail look so much better!

October 23, 2010

Bridget Hill  
Clemmons, North Carolina    United States


  Now you will enjoy the pride of having the most impressive beautiful horse anywhere no matter where you go...

Create the Horses You Deserve!

"How Many Ribbons or Lost Sales is it Costing YOU to Not Know This Information?"

You Want Stunning Manes and Tails on Your Horses, So You Can't Afford to Go Another Day Without Learning These Secrets...
You Need to Start Immediately!




(These Secrets Worked on My Own Hair Too!) 


With just a few simple tricks and secrets, growing a luxurious mane and tail is easy, even on a shoe string budget.  It takes very little time; only minutes a week and I bet you already have the tools you need.  


"He Had NO Mane at All Because of Sweet Itch..."

Before- That's Right, No Mane at All and look at his tail    :-(

gypsy cobb

After-  April 10, 2011  Thick Mane, Tail on the Ground

Dear Beth,  Here are my pictures of "Morpheus", my Tinker horse.  I'm very happy with your course because my horse had sweet itch.  He scratched all his mane out and resulted in bleeding skin, and therefore was more troubled by insects.  Thank you so much.  I will read it again so I'm ready for next winter.  ;-)

Groetjes,   Sylvia Clements  -Bussum, North Holland,  Holland


If you own an inexpensive horse, it's possible to multiply your horse's value so you can command the highest price possible if you decide to sell your horse.  I know, I've done it myself.  I've taken ugly horses and turned them into beautiful swans seemingly overnight!! 


I've Made Money Buying Scruffy Scraggly Horses and Making Them Beautiful and Selling Them for Way More Than What I Paid!


Click Here to Learn How Now!



...Talk about a fun and profitable way to support your "horse habit"!  If that sounds like something you'd like to do, keep reading.  I'm also going to tell you in my course

How to Sell ANY Horse Fast
For Top Dollar  
in THIS Current Bad Economy!  



I'm going to tell you exactly how you can have the most beautiful horse around and be the envy of all your friends, but the most important thing of all, is what NOT to do!  All that bad advice I got that actually made things worse, is covered in my course.  I bet you're making the same mistakes I was.    

Your Horse Can Look Amazing Just a Few Months From Now!  SHOCK Your Friends and Make Them Beg to Know Your SECRET! 


I'm going to tell you what DOES work!  You are going to get detailed, and even illustrated instructions! 



Here's a Small Piece of What You'll Learn Inside "Own a Fairytale Horse":

  • The Secret Rapid Growth Formula That Defies Genetics

  • How to GROW up to 3 or 4 Inches of Length Per MONTH!

  • How to Get Rapid Results When Nothing Else Works

  • How to Save the "Dreadlock" Style Mane and Tail!

  • The One Item You MUST Get Out of Your Barn Right Now!

Get Started Right Now!

  • How to Stop a Horse From Rubbing Out His Mane and Tail

  • How to Get Rid of Mites in Feathers and the Mane

  • How to Cure Sweet Itch or Queensland Itch Super Fast!

  • How to Get Rid of Mud Fever Easily

  • How to End Rain Scald or Rain Rot Permanently

  • Magic to Training the Mane to Always Stay on One Side

  • Pictures and Instructions on How to Make a Beautiful Rolling Plait

  • Why the Shampoos and Conditioners are Worthless!

  • The One Big Mistake You Must Never Make Again!

  • How to Untangle Horrible Matts and Tangles Easily



  • The Only Six Items You Need to Groom Your Horse

  • How to Make Your Own Hair Polish for Mere Pennies

  • How to Repel Dirt and Dust for Easy Maintenance

  • How to Eliminate Half Your Current Grooming Tools

  • Vitamin and Coat Supplements (They're NOT necessary!)  

  • Stop Lugging Big Grooming Boxes to Shows or Trail Rides

  • How to Treat Fungus in the Mane and Tail

  • How to Get a Thicker, Fuller, Shinier Mane and Tail!   

  • How to Avoid Sun Burning or Sun Bleaching the Hair

  • Grooming the Mane and Tail for Show or horses tail

You can get more money for any horse you sell by making it more beautiful.  You will get more noticed whether in the show ring or on the trail.  Impress people and attract attention and admiration everywhere you go!

You Will Use This Information For the Rest of Your Life.  How Much is That Worth to You?



If you are you tired of struggling with short, skimpy, thin manes and tails like I was, then keep reading!  If you want to impress everyone everywhere you go with your horse, or sell any horse for top dollar, then this is for you!   

"I Wish I Had Known This a Long Time Ago..."
"My Quarter Horse loves showing off his new mane and tail!  I'm so glad someone finally told the secret!  I wish I had known about this a long time ago.  I'm so glad I found your course."

Matt Spears
-Navasota, Texas  United States


You and Your Horse WILL Get Noticed and Admired!!


I want to put one or two more testimonials on this website but people always tell me they will send me their pictures and story, and then they forget about me! 

If you promise me that you will send me "before" photos in the next couple of days, and "after" photos in 60 days showing how gorgeous your horse has become, then I will give the next person who orders my course $30 off for promising me your testimonial!  So, if we have a deal, you can have my course for $97  only $67 for the next person who orders!

Order Right Now and Claim Over $400.00 in Free Thank You Gifts For Your Pictures and Story, For a Total Value of Over $480.00!


Thank You Bonus #1: 
How to Sell ANY Horse Fast for Top Dollar!-
In This Economy! ($68.95 Value!)

The FIRST Free Bonus you will receive as my Thank You for being the next order and sending your pictures is a course on how to make any horse stand out among the crowd and make people fall in love with it so it sells quickly and for top dollar!  Times have changed and

In This Market, You Have to Do Everything You Can to Make Your Horse Stand Out From the Crowd and Get The Highest Price Possible. 

If you ever thought of getting into the horse business, this is actually an excellent time to take advantage of the market and pick up good horses super cheap, and quickly turn them into outstanding steeds that are far above average and will sell very fast for a very high price. 

This instant access online course is jam packed with information on how to do exactly that, from how to take great horse photography to how to teach the horse manners and even quick tricks the horse can learn to make people fall in love with it instantly.

Here's just a small sample of what you're going to learn in "How to Sell ANY Horse Fast for Top Dollar":

  • Make ANY Horse Stand Out and Be Completely Unforgettable

  • Write an Ad that Will GRAB People's Attention Instantly!

  • How to Take Photos That Will Draw Attention Immediately!

  • How to Advertise for FREE Both Locally and Nationally

  • Impress People and Make Them Fall In Love With the Horse

  • Take Great Photos of Any Horse - And What Not to Do!

Count Me In!  I'll Send You My Story!


  • How to Train Any Horse Using the Clicker Training Method

  • Teach Any Horse to Load in a Trailer Quickly and Easily

  • How to Teach a Horse to Pull a Sleigh or Any Cart or Wagon

  • How to Get a Horse to Always Stand Still for Mounting

  • How to Teach a Horse to Urinate on Command - Very Handy!

  • How to Teach a Horse to Sit, Give a Kiss and Give a Hug

  • Quickly Teach the Sidepass, Turn on the Forehand and Haunches

  • Teach a Horse How to Bow, Lie Down and "Shake Hands"

  • Safely Teach to Rear on Command and Walk on the Hind Legs

Thank You Bonus #2: 
Coat Color, Condition and Care ($29.95 Value)

The Second Free Bonus is my great new course, "COAT COLOR CONDITION AND CARE".  This instant access online course tells how to get and keep the colors your horse was meant to have. 

It reveals many professional secrets for getting your horse's color and coat as sparkling and brilliant as possible.  Briefly, here is just a small piece of what you are getting in this bonus course:

  • How to get flaxen manes and tails their very whitest

  • How to get black manes and tails dark as night

  • How to get richer, more stunning luxurious red tones

  • How to get those white socks REALLY glowing white!

  • Restoring the color of frizzy dull sun bleached hair

  • How the pros get the darker colored horses so dark 

  • How to keep white horses clean and whiter longer

  • How to remove and prevent grass and manure stains

  • How to get a stunning shining gloss on the whole coat!


"My Spotted Walking Horse now is prettier than my best friend's Tennessee Walker that cost four times as much!  People are always asking me what I did to make him so beautiful!"

Wendy Yawn
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan  Canada


Please!  Send Me Your Story!

Thank You Bonus #3: 
How to Make the Best Shedding Tool in the World for Pennies! ($21.97 Value!)

The THIRD FREE bonus available today only as my Thank You is something I have found to be invaluable around my barn!  I will send you simple illustrated instructions on how you can make the best winter coat shedding tool ever, for only about 35 cents! 

It will be the only tool you will need to get rid of that thick winter coat.  It not only removes the dead hair sitting on the surface of the coat, it will also PULL OUT by the roots the loose hair that is ready to come out, without any damage to the healthy hair. 

In spring, your horses will be beautifully slick and shiny, while your neighbors' horses still have all that extra hair making them sweat and collect mud and dirt. 

 Everyone Will Want to Know Your Secret! 

Then when summer comes you can use this great tool for removing bot eggs.  Those little pests can wreak havoc on the condition of your horse's coat, making the coat lose its shine. 

It's hard to believe that it costs only 35 cents to make!  Since it is so inexpensive and easy to make, I usually make several at a time so there is always one within reach anywhere in my barn. 

Although it is the cheapest, it is the most often used and indispensable tool in my grooming box.  I use it constantly all year long.  For as long as you own horses, you will be using this versatile tool continuously.


Order Today Only to Get The
FREE Bonuses as My Thank You!


Thank You Bonus #4: 
Over 200 Healthy Home Made Horse and Dog Recipes  ($38.95 Value!)

The FOURTH Free Bonus you will receive as my Thank You for being the next order and sending your pictures is your own Horse and Dog Treats Recipes with my favorite Horse Birthday Cake recipe.  It has over 200 recipes that you can make at home for your pets. 

Do you love giving your horses and dogs treats, but hate the expense of the ones sold at your local feed and tack store?  Have you ever wondered if those treats are really good for them? 

Well, now can make your own inexpensive healthy treats at home and know exactly what you are giving them while saving tons of money at the same time.

You can share your recipes with friends and even have a "treat making party" where every one exchanges home made treats and goes home with a huge assortment of different kinds of treats your horses and dogs will love.  

I added enough recipes for making healthy homemade dog treats for you to start a dog bakery or side business out of your home!  The possibilities are endless! 

Thank You Bonus #5: 
I'm also going to throw in FREE Lifetime Updates Anytime a New Version is Released.

Every time my online course is updated, I'll automatically send you the new version for life, but only if you order right now.

As soon as you place your order, you will be sent an easy link to instantly receive your digital course and all your Free Bonuses as my Thank You, so if we have a deal, in a few minutes you're going to instantly receive:


"Own a Fairy Tale Horse!!" 


"How to Sell Any Horse Fast for Top Dollar!


"Coat Color, Condition and Care"


"The Best Shedding Tool in the World for Pennies!"


"Over 200 Healthy Horse and Dog Treat Recipes"


Free Lifetime Updates Anytime a New Version is Released

All of this is valued at over $400.00, but because I want more testimonials and pictures for this website, and I'll take your word for it that you will send "before" photos in the next couple of days, you can have it all for only $67 if you order right now!

Special Today Only, , You Can
Get Paid to Try This
with my Double Your Money Back Guarantee!


Priority VIP Order Information

YES!   I want to START NOW Growing Stunning Manes and Tails Super FAST on my Horses with a one week trial for Only $9.97!!

Introductory Special! Today, 
You Can Get Started for only $9.97!

 I understand that if I love it, I can continue to receive weekly videos, manuals, audio recordings and action sheets for the following 16 weeks  and will be charged only $47 each 30 days for 4 months.  I also understand that I can easily cancel at any time, for any reason and never pay another cent.  


horses tails
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 Hacker Secure, Inc.

horse tails

grow horse's tail

Complete Payment Protection and Security
Pay with a Check or Any Credit Card

If I can help just one person enjoy the pride and joy I feel in my horses, then its all worth it. 

 You and Your Horse WILL Get More Attention

and get noticed both in the show ring and on the trail once your horse blooms into the beauty it was meant to be.  Make all your friends jealous by getting started today. 

If you have a horse you need to sell, there's no better way to increase it's value, than to increase it's "curb appeal".  You can even make money by "rehabbing" scruffy horses.  People will always choose to buy a stunning beauty over a "Plain Jane" horse.   

You will use this information for the rest of your life on all your horses... 

How Much Will it Cost You in Ribbons or Lost Sales Over The Rest of Your Life if You Don't Get This Information Now?

You Can't Afford NOT to Get This Information!! 

Don't wait another single minute...  Order "Own a Fairy Tale Horse!" Right Now!  You have nothing to lose except ugly, scraggly looking horses.  Imagine owning the most beautiful horse around no matter where you go. 

There is absolutely NO RISK and no reason to not ORDER NOW! 

Just don't forget to keep your promise to take "before" pictures and send them to me in a few days so that I can compare them with your beautiful "after" pictures! 

Best of Success,

Thank You!  I Appreciate You!!    ~Beth

P.S.-  Don't be caught looking back a few months from now and wishing you had ordered this information!  Order Now to get started today growing the manes and tails you've always dreamed of!

P.S.S.- Today is the day to get the HUGE discount for promising me your story and pictures! 


Start Now to Have the Most
Beautiful Horse Around in a Few Short Weeks

horses tail