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 STUNNING Horses Tails
Super Fast...

Look at How This Secret GROWS 
Amazing Manes and Tails
ANY Horse Super  Fast!"

Find Out How > >

Paso Fino Horse


Make Your Horse This Gorgeous > >


Rocky Mountain Horse


Find Out Now What These People Know that You Don't > >


Peruvian Paso


Don't Lose Another Week > >


Buckskin Horse

Find Out What You're Doing Wrong > >



If your horse IS as pretty as these, PLEASE send me a picture! 

If it's not as pretty as these yet...

Arabian Horse, Arabian horses, Tennessee Walking Horse, Tennessee Walker, Palomino, Andalusian, Spanish

"His Mane Goes Down to His Knees and His Tail Drags Behind Him..."

"This is my State, National, and Res. World Champion Tennessee Walking Horse "Champ". His  mane goes down to his knees, and his tail drags behind him. I actually had to trim a foot off his tail this summer  because he couldn't back up in the show ring, without getting  caught up in it.
Gail Dockery   Dockery Stables   -Munger, Michigan  United States

Find Out What You Are Missing > >


"We Have Gotten Numerous Emails Asking If Your Program Is for Real... Well, just LOOK at Jackpot!!"

Gypsy Horse - Drum Horse - Gypsy Vanner
First Picture Sent - Custom Chrome "Hit the Jackpot"

Most Recent Picture Sent - September 2006-2011

Hi Beth,

  We have gotten numerous emails from people asking us if your program is for real...

     Well just
LOOK at Jackpot!!  As you can see he has lots of new growth since the last (upper) picture we sent you.  He won overall Supreme Champion at this show with over 200 horses in attendance. 

     We have added your suggestions to our grooming protocol and are seeing very positive results. You have given us some new tools and we see new growth coming faster and thicker than before.

Thank you
Nancy Brown-  Custom Chrome Sport Horses, Armstrong, British Columbia   Canada


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Tennessee Walking Horse

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