The Foreskin Fight- Is It Just a Piece Of Useless Skin…Or Not?
Medical Researcher, Chris Moore is educating men in a battle to
end unnecessary adult circumcision.
Daniel Barrett
Los Angeles, California
Chris Moore is a man
on a mission to save adult foreskins. How did his strange
passion get started? He almost made what he feels would
have been the biggest mistake of his life - getting circumcised.
Ever since he made some shocking medical discoveries, he has
used his website, and other means to educate men
about what they would be losing and stop unnecessary adult
There has been a
steady decline in male newborn circumcision in North America
since 1971 when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
reported that there are no valid medical reasons for infant
circumcision. In 1999, the AAP
issued yet another statement discouraging the routine practice
of newborn circumcision. Shortly thereafter, the American
Medical Association also declared that there is no proven
medical benefit for infant circumcision. The Canadian Pediatric
Society calls circumcision an “obsolete” procedure.
As a
result of these announcements, in
2006 the overall rate of infant circumcision in the United
States was reported as being less than half at 48.3%. In
Canada, currently 48% of adult males are circumcised although
the reported incidence of newborn circumcision there in 2005 was
only 9.2%.
Four-fifths of the
world’s men are not circumcised. Circumcision is
uncommon in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of
Europe. Doctors in these countries are well versed in the care
of the fully intact male anatomy; not so in North America.
Doctors here are quick to recommend circumcision for most minor
This leaves these men
to turn elsewhere to seek effective alternatives to circumcision
when diagnosed with common problems such as “phimosis”. This
condition occurs when the foreskin of intact men is too tight to
be fully retracted. This can lead to problems ranging from mild
discomfort to persistent urinary tract infections and the
inability to have intercourse without extreme pain.
If left untreated,
phimosis can lead to a more serious condition called
“paraphimosis” which occurs when the tight foreskin is pulled
back and is caught behind the head of the penis. Blood flow can
be cut off and lead to gangrene or even auto-amputation if not
treated quickly.
The first thing these
uninformed doctors recommend for any problem involving the
foreskin is circumcision. This is completely unnecessary and
most undesirable. In fact it is estimated that nine out of ten
adults being circumcised do not need the surgery! Aside from
the pain, physical and emotional trauma, cost and down time,
what is the big deal with cutting off this “piece of skin”?
Chris Moore was one
of these men with a foreskin that was too tight and was about to
go under the knife. Moore is also a medical researcher. When
he started researching about his own problem, he discovered that
there are thousands of men who are desperately attempting to
regain, re-grow and even surgically replace their lost
foreskins. Moore had to find out why they so desperately wanted
back what he was about to give up. What he discovered shocked
It has been reported
that 100% of circumcised men suffer from reduced sensitivity and
sexual response. Additionally, it has been estimated that the
uncircumcised male has 10 times the sexual pleasure and
satisfaction than a circumcised male. Does this sound like an
old wives tale to you? It did to Moore so he turned to science
for the facts.
Moore found out the
foreskin is not simply “just a piece of skin” as was commonly
thought. It is a highly sensitized part of the body and its
removal also removes several critical components of the male
sexual anatomy. Without the foreskin, around 80% of the penis'
erogenous zones are lost which are important for realizing the
fullness and intensity of sexual response.