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 STUNNING Horses Tails
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About Me 


Hi!  I'm Beth Moore and you're probably just like me... For years I struggled with my horses' manes and tails trying to get them longer and thicker and prettier.  My parents couldn't afford expensive horses when I was young, so I tried to make what I had look better. 


I was envious of other horse owners.  The problem was that everything I read, was told and all the advice I got from well meaning friends was completely wrong!  So the result was that I never got anywhere.  The hair always stayed the same- wispy, short and thin.  My frustration continued to grow, as my horse's mane and tail did not!


Years later, I got a job with an old horse trainer who had been showing Tennessee Walking Horses all his life.  I worked for him a long time before he let me in on The Secret Formula he used to get the beautiful manes and tails that adorned the horses in his barn. 


I was doing everything wrong and I bet you're doing it wrong too!  But, I found it!  The one key secret!  Having been a hair stylist all of MY life, I knew some things about hair myself. 


I took the SECRET that I learned from the trainer, and added a few tricks of my own.  Over the years I've perfected my methods for getting the most luxurious manes and tails as quickly as possible. 


At every horse show that I go to, and every trail ride I go on, I get asked how I get my horses' manes and tails so long and thick and beautiful.  Without fail, the people I talk to are making the same tragic mistakes that I was making before I found the Secret. 


I'm sure you're doing the same thing I was, but... It's finally revealed...Now you too can have the secret!  What took me years and years of hard work with a top trainer, you can get your hands on today, in the next five minutes.


I am asked so often how I turn scruffy, scraggly horses into regal, stunning beauties seemingly overnight, that I finally decided to write down exactly what I do in step by step detail.  

I had horses I was showing that I KNEW were better than some of the prettier, flashier horses that got placed over me in shows.  I knew it was because my "Plain Jane" horse wasn't getting the judge's attention or even a second look. 


It isn't fair, but it's human nature.  Our eye is naturally drawn to what is pleasing to the eye...so we give it more of our attention.

Once I learned The Secret to having the prettiest horse in the show ring, the tables were turned. 

Now, Sometimes I Think My Horses are Awarded Ribbons Over Horses That are Better Than Them...What Can I Say?  Well, I hope it will level the playing field some when everyone can have the opportunity to make their horse look stunningly beautiful. 


I know the frustration and sometimes even embarrassment of the scraggly horse, so I had to help by getting the Secret out.   


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"He Had NO Mane at All Because of Sweet Itch..."

Before- That's Right, No Mane at All  :-(

After-  April 10, 2006-2011  Thick Mane, Tail on the Ground

Dear Beth,  Here are my pictures of Morpheus, my Tinker horse.  I'm very happy with your course because my horse had sweet itch.  He scratched all his mane out and resulted in bleeding skin, and therefore was more troubled by insects.  Thank you so much.  I will read it again so I'm ready for next winter.  ;-)

Groetjes,   Sylvia Clements  -Bussum, North Holland,  Holland


Beth Moore
2659 Horses Tail #135
Cumming, GA 30041


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2659 Horses Tail #135, Cumming, GA 30041



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