Let Our Kingdom Work Continue by Saving our Farm!
- Founded in 2013
- First participants in 2019
- Trauma Recovery Program established in 2020
64 program participants have been saved and baptized!
37 participants continue clean of addictions!
32 participants are off the streets!
26 participants are successfully employed!
100% of graduates remain clean, live in a stable home and are successfully employed in a stable job!
Help Us Keep Serving! We Must Purchase Our Land or Be Forced to Close Our Doors!
The owner of our farm property has announced that since our option to buy the farm has expired, he is listing our farm for sale with a realtor for $160,000. He will sell it to us for $125,000 if we can raise the money and close quickly.
Yesterday he brought bankers and an appraiser to see the farm and discuss the sale. He is serious.
A Board Member of our Non-Profit has committed to match the first $25,000 raised so NOW IS THE TIME!!
After all our blood, sweat and tears, it would be disastrous for us to lose our farm that is helping to change the lives and eternity of so many people and animals. We desperately need to continue our work of teaching, feeding, healing, training, etc. To see what we do every single day here at the Farm of Hope, Read About Us.
In addition to not losing our home and continuing our program and community services, the benefits we receive with the land in our name will be HUGE! Here are only some of them:
1. We can get officially certified by the government as an addiction recovery center once the land is in our name and we meet other requirements, but this is one of them. Once certified, there is a law in Costa Rica that when police confiscate property, cars or money from drug traffickers, they are required to donate what was confiscated to a certified addiction recovery center. There are very few certified recovery centers in the country so we will be one of the few receiving this property.
2. CRUSA (Costa Rica United States Foundation for Cooperation) is a non-profit Costa Rican foundation, that supports projects that improve the quality of life of Costa Ricans with sustainable development. With the land in our name, they will grant-match specific projects for community service up to $20,000 every six months, such as for more dormitories, staff housing or other buildings or projects we need.
3. IMAS (Institute for Mixed Social Help) is an organization that provides (only with land in our name) funding for specific projects that provide services to the community. For example, More needed buildings, common areas, a giant covered arena to provide equine therapy, horse training and special events in all weather and at night, etc.
4. MAG With the land in our name, we can be registered with the Ministry of Agriculture. With this we can:
-Import any trucks, farm vehicles and/or trailers and pay NO import taxes, which are normally 70% of the value of the vehicle.
-We can buy gasoline/diesel and pay NO tax on the fuel, which is high.
-Have no driving restrictions on those vehicles.
-Have easier annual car inspections (ie., no emissions testing).
5. With the land in our name we can register with FONAFIFO. This is a worldwide forest conservation organization. All annual property taxes will be waived. FONAFIFO will also donate many kinds of fruit and native trees and provide other support.

All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. We are a registered 501(c)(3) Monkey Farm Inc. EIN: 81-1664389. We have achieved GuideStar’s Candid Silver Seal of Transparency! In order to give our donors greater confidence in our organization, we have worked hard to achieve GuideStar’s Silver Seal of Transparency. Less than 2% of non-profit organizations have earned the Silver Seal of Transparency.
We are working with a non-profit in Canada, Christians Empowering Organizations, which can provide Canadian tax donation receipts. Contact Vicki for donation information through them.
Matched Donation
jeffrey wittlinger
Matched Donation
Jeff Wittlinger
From church at Clarence
Matched Donation
jeffrey wittlinger
stuart pike
Matched Donation
Matched Donation
Roger Vlasos
Matched Donation
Debra Thompson
God bless and multiply as he moves in the lives of all!