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Natural Phimosis Cure

Compare the Natural Tight Foreskin Cure with the Alternatives

Voted the #1 Tight Foreskin Cure for the last 5 Years!*



Glansie Tool



  • It usually works

  • Half way guaranteed


  • Up to two weeks shipping time from Japan so you can't get started for a couple more weeks

  • An embarrassing package comes in the mail

  • One to two weeks to BEGIN to see results AFTER the package arrives from Japan

  • Moderate pain

  • Basic bare bones unit is more than double the cost of The Natural Cure

  • Uncomfortable "gadget" has to be applied to your penis twice a day for 30 minutes each time

  • Can take several months for complete relief

  • Partial refund available for 60 days from purchase date, not delivery date, (they subtract shipping and handling costs each way)  This give you less than a month at best to try it out.  You would lose shipping costs (plus handling charges) both ways to and from Japan when it doesn't work for you.

  • You accept the risk.  When it doesn't work for you, you lose.  They don't accept any risk since you have to pay them for shipping and handling both ways.  They don't lose anything or accept any risk.


Gentle Foreskin Stretcher or "GFS Tool"



  • It usually works.


  • Up to 25 days shipping time from Australia so you can't get started right away

  • It takes two more weeks for results which means a longer time for you suffering

  • Embarrassing package comes in the mail

  • The gadget is more than double the cost of the natural cure, plus needs $15 "refills", plus shipping, plus possible import tax

  • A "rod" is used to push the balloon device under your foreskin (sound like fun?)

  • Requires a visit to a Doctor for instructions and supervision (It's in their terms and conditions)

  • Completely worthless guarantee (read it!, it's an insult to your intelligence!).

  • You accept the risk.  When it doesn't work for you, you are completely out of ALL your money






  • It works to cure Tight Foreskin if there are no other complications during surgery or healing


  • Irreversible

  • Loss of foreskin

  • Permanent decrease in sensitivity and sexual satisfaction

  • Severe pain

  • Very high cost

  • Up to two weeks "down time"

  • Higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases

  • Penis appears smaller without foreskin

Ignore Your Problem

Positives:  None


  • Constant discomfort

  • Possible recurring infections

  • Fear during sexual activity

  • Problems while urinating

  • Adhesions

  • Painful erections

  • Embarrassment

  • Painful sex

The Natural Tight Foreskin Cure


  • Fastest relief available - 24 hours from right NOW!

  • Lowest priced of all options, less than half the cost of most options

  • Most effective and successful treatment

  • Instant access online manual so you can start in the next 5 minutes

  • No shipping or shipping costs

  • No embarrassing package coming in the mail

  • No wait to get started

  • No trips to the doctor

  • No prescription ointments or steroids needed

  • FULL refund of Double your money back for a full 60 days

  • Absolutely no risk to try it.  I take all the risk!        

Negatives:  There is no reason to not order!  Start right now!

Get the Fastest and Most Cost Effective Cure- Voted #1 Best Cure for 3 Years!



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Secure Tested
 Hacker Secure, Inc.

* Voted #1 Best Tight Foreskin Cure five years in a row by the reader's of Men's Health & Fitness Magazine.



Chris Moore
2659 Freedom Parkway #135
Cumming, GA 30041
Email Chris@CureTightForeskins.com

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