WWoof Costa Rica
Wwoof Costa Rica is where many of our volunteers have discovered The Monkey Farm. Our live-in volunteers come from all over the world and live at the farm, usually for a minimum of one month up to one year or more. We volunteers grow the food to feed ourselves and take care of our farm animals, which also provide food for us through dairy products, eggs and meat. We do raise and process our own meat here, so this is not a suitable place for vegans.
In addition, the volunteers care for the monkeys and other wildlife that we rescue. Having our live-in volunteers here allows us to feed and care for injured and orphaned animals around the clock. We share shifts and its easy on everyone.
The live-in volunteers also work with our local volunteers on special projects such as creating a solar hot water heater out of recycled materials, building a composting toilet, planting food forests or starting a new garden. We also have volunteer guided horse rides through the jungle to the beach. If you’re an experienced horse rider, we’d love to have you come help lead our horse rides!
There is no charge for the volunteers to come and stay at the farm. We provide either an indoor bed in a shared cabin or a place to pitch your tent. We cook and eat together most meals. Sometimes we go have a bonfire on the beach or watch a movie on our barn wall with our projector.
Most of our International volunteers connect with the farm through websites such as wwoof, workaway and helpx.
If you are interested in becoming a live-in volunteer, please read more about our expectations and then fill out our application.

Come ride our horses on the beach!

Help with baby monkeys