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 Tight Foreskin Relief
Super Fast...

Don't Make the BIGGEST MISTAKE of Your Life!

YOU WILL REFUSE to Get Circumcised When You Know ALL The FACTS!! 
Your Doctor Won't Tell You This...



The Risks and Dangers of Circumcision

Getting circumcised or having your son circumcised because you think you have no other options, could be the biggest mistake of your life.  Keep reading and you'll agree once you find out what I discovered.

I had a problem with a tight foreskin.  I am a Medical Researcher, so when I was told I had to get circumcised, I started researching for solutions to my own problem.  I quickly discovered that there are literally hundreds of thousands of circumcised men who are struggling and even having surgery to regain, re-grow or replace their foreskin!!  I had NO idea such a thing existed!!


It made me wonder why they so desperately wanted to regain what I was about to give up.  I knew I needed more information before I made a huge mistake, so I dug in even deeper... What I found out next completely shocked me even more!


Did you know that 100% of circumcised men suffer from reduced sensitivity and sexual pleasure?  I was appalled to learn this!  Why didn't my Doctor tell me this?  It turns out that studies have shown that the uncircumcised male has 10 TIMES the pleasure during sex than a circumcised male.  I was skeptical, so I tore into my medical research to find out how this could possibly be true.


I discovered there are many scientific facts to back up these claims.  It turns out that the foreskin is not simply just a piece of skin like I thought.  It is a highly sensitized part of the body and its removal also removes several critical components of the male sexual anatomy.


Below are listed several of the main reasons that this is scientifically true.  Once I found this out, it made sense why an uncircumcised man would have so much more sexual enjoyment than their less fortunate counterparts and would be desperate to regain their foreskin. 


Here's what I found out- copied directly from my medical research:



Ridged Bands- The inner foreskin contains bands full of thousands of nerve endings and is highly sexually responsive.  These bands create a major erogenous zone of the penis and are important for realizing the fullness and intensity of sexual response.



Gliding Action- In heterosexual intercourse, the non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of itself within the vagina facilitates smooth and pleasurable intercourse for both partners.  Without this gliding action, the ridge of the circumcised penis functions as a one-way valve, pulling vaginal lubricants out into the drying air.  This makes artificial lubricants necessary for non-painful intercourse.



The Frenulum- This is a highly nerve-laden area that holds the inner foreskin to the underside of the head of the penis.  For many intact men, this is a male "G-Spot" that is highly pleasurable during sexual activity.  Depending on the surgical method used, the frenulum is partially to completely destroyed by circumcision.



Extra Sensitive Tissue- The foreskin contains between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized nerve endings that feel sexual excitement.  Without the foreskin, around 80% of the penis' erogenous zones are lost. 



Protection- The foreskin covers the head of the penis and protects it from abrasion, drying, callusing and infection much like the eyelid protects the eye.  The head of the penis is intended by nature to be a protected internal organ.  The drying and callusing of the head causes a loss of sexual sensation, pleasure and fulfillment. 



Immunological Defense- The inner foreskin produces plasma cells which secrete antibodies and antibacterial and antiviral proteins.  This is thought to be one reason why intact men are at lower risk of Chlamydia, HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.



Proper Blood Flow- The loss of the rich network of blood vessels contained in the foreskin can interrupt normal flow to the shaft and head of the penis.  This can damage the natural function of the penis and alter its full development.



Full Penis Size- The foreskin makes up 50% or more of the skin system of the penis.  The double-layered foreskin engorges with blood during erection.  When the engorged foreskin retracts behind the ridge of the head, it creates a wider and more pronounced "ridge" that many partners find especially stimulating during intercourse.  The engorged foreskin also creates a visually and sensually thicker shaft and head.  The circumcised penis appears shorter and thinner than a fully intact penis.



I don't know about you, but NONE of that sounded like anything I wanted to lose!!  I found this in my medical research, but I thought to myself that even if half of it was made up by overzealous supporters, I didn't want to take any chances that it might be true!! 


I Mean, Do YOU Want to Take That Chance?? 


Anyway, once I was armed with all this information, there was NO WAY I was going to let them cut anything off of me!!


Well, now I can tell you from personal experience that you will be AMAZED at the new heightened arousal and sensitivity you will enjoy once you have a properly functioning foreskin!


The next thing I learned was that 9 out of 10 adult men undergoing circumcision DO NOT need the surgery! 


Circumcision is completely outdated as a treatment for tight foreskins, yet it is still recommended by many Doctors and Urologists because of a lack of information about alternatives... Or is it because of the revenue generated by doing the surgery?


Doctors and other people will tell you that you cannot stretch your foreskin.  Well let me ask you a question.  If you are an average weight or skinny person and you gained a lot of weight and it all went to your stomach, what do you think would happen?  Well I don't think your stomach will explode, your skin will actually stretch.  So there goes that theory.


What about the latest fad of people stretching their earlobes?  I wonder if these same doctors have informed them that it can't be done.  People have been stretching their skin for centuries.  Look at all the tribe's people who stretch their earlobes and their lips beyond belief. 


Here are a few pictures showing what kinds of things are possible when the human skin is stretched.  Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done! 





I also discovered a common over-the-counter household ointment, not a prescription, that will really help you to stretch your foreskin quickly at home when you combine it with my methods.  As a matter of fact, you can have relief within as little as 24 hours from now.  So go ahead and click on the link below to learn more about it and I'll see you on the very next page.   


  ~Chris Moore

Click Here to Get Learn How You Too Can Quickly and Easily Loosen Your Tight Foreskin!


"I Can't Believe I Almost Got Circumcised..."  
"Thank You Chris!  This was a real eye opener for me!  I can't believe I almost got circumcised, but found your report just in time.  I'll be grateful to you for the rest of my life!  Thanks again!"

Jeremy Wilkinson
-Middlesbrough, Cleveland  United Kingdom

I cured my phimosis




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Chris Moore
2659 Freedom Parkway #135
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone 404-419-7920

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Chris Moore
2659 Freedom Parkway #135
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone 404-419-7920

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